The warmth of Kodak film

“For me, the importance of taking a photo is, and always has been, the idea that someday, when I’m older, and my memory may play tricks on me, I’ll have photos that will trigger my memories.”
Hi Catarina, and thank you for all your availability for this interview. Could you please start by introducing yourself?
Hello, first of all, thank you so much for inviting me for this interview. My name is Catarina Milhais Reis, I was born in 1990, and I’m from a beautiful village called Cascais in Portugal.
How it all started, your interest in Photography? And how long have you been doing it regularly?
I don’t actually remember the precise moment I became interested in photography. I guess I’ve always been attracted to it, and it was something that was present in my life. I do remember the first roll of film that I’ve taken. It was on a school trip when I was about 8 years old. I’ve been shooting regularly for at least 5 years now.
Do you have a specific subject that you particularly like to photograph, or does photography work for you almost as a visual record of your everyday life?
I don’t think I have a specific subject. For me, the importance of taking a photo is, and always has been, the idea that someday, when I’m older, and my memory may play tricks on me, I’ll have photos that will trigger my memories. Also, it’s what I’ll have to show future generations about my life, the places I’ve visited and the moments I’ve lived during my lifetime.
Do you still remember the first camera you could call your own? How important was it in your passion for photography?
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