GRAIN magazine Flickr Group

For those of you familiar with Flickr, no introduction is needed. But for those who don’t know it yet, suffice it to say that it is one of the oldest and largest online Photography communities. It has numerous advantages over other platforms, and unlike Instagram, Flickr has kept its essence throughout its 18 years of existence.
In a project like GRAIN magazine, where we celebrate the return to origins, we couldn’t leave out Flickr. That’s why we created our group, which we invite you to join and share your best work there.
Join the GRAIN magazine Flickr Group!
If you are still not convinced, we invite you to check out some of the best photos published in our group. See you there!
Lena Kanshyna
Joakim Hertze
Fancy Flight

Johannes Hromadka
Tsukasa Ishikawa
Jinzo Shiraishi
Die Lehmanns
Paul Mart Dicle
Knas Vang

Petros Kotzabasis
Sergio Degrassi
Chiara Vantaggiato
Dmitry Yurchenko
Phillip Kalantzis Cope
Sami Hearn
Gourab Guha
Klara Mitfoch
Paul Seaton
Dorota Gorecka
Carla del Ciotto
Kelly Marciano
David Leveque
Maria Schaefer
Rome Thorpe
Lisa Pollara
Do Khue
Gvantsa Tskhovrebashvili